“Solid reds and sky blues, oranges, yellows and greens are what I’m after,” - citing color tones which the consistent sunshine of his native California offers in abundance, day after day. Together with the latent sensuousness he sees in the smallest details, John Lou Miles has adopted these hues as an aesthetic principle. They have become an inextricable part of his work, which operates between artificial realism and surrealism - capturing as well as staging scenes of everyday life. There is a comic strip quality to his self taught imagery - with his inspirations, as he freely acknowledges, being the legendary pop artists Roy Lichtenstein and Ed Ruscha. He aims to create an idealized version of life, but not to far from the reality it’s based off of. His job as he puts it, “Is to find the parallel in colour and subject that is provided or to make it myself.’

- LFI MAGAZINE June/July 2013